Heart Powered Consciousness IS Christ Consciousness

Between 7th February 2008 which is also the new moon with partial solar eclipse in it, following it in 15 days by the rule of our star system we have a lunar eclipse on February 2008 feb20- 21. This time always is the potent time for shifts, turning of the wheels and events by the cosmic order ….Be aware of what you are doing and believing as there is nothing more to receive, you have cleared all that you had to, its time to simply rule and be .

Christ was born on the 2nd march 5B.C (2+3+5= 55/10) In aura soma the Christ bottle is no 55 , Linda Goodman always said 23 is the star of magi the number of Christ. This makes him a PISCEAN; no wonder his symbol is the fish.

A happy birthday to all of you irrelevant of what is your birth date as the law of one is the law of “I” we now share one birthday and will celebrate it together. That is oneness.

The law concerning the power of thought is put simply as ‘As we think, so it becomes, ‘As our intent is, so is the manifestation’. The outer manifestation depends upon the inner intent We have to become masters of our mind the ability to still our mind in an instant. In that stillness of mind, our inner senses get activated and begin to throw light on aspects of our invisible greater reality, plus the invisible cosmic reality.”

Your two physical eyes deceive you into thinking that this world of duality is real. Open your spiritual eye and behold your invisible form. ” ” All the Buddhas of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be — don’t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.”

Since September 2007 , We have been sending a kosmic absolutes and at times have written strong words to express the truth, as they say for lead to turn into gold the alchemist has to put the base metal in many potions and chemicals to turn it into gold . Hope the lead (poison) within your unconscious was alchemitized by my reactive words.as they say poison can be treated with poison ……Love is the only word and love is the source and love is IT !


He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. ” All the Buddhas of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be — don’t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.” Lao Tzu


“If the doors of perception were cleansed, Everything would appear … as it is, infinite.” – William Blake.


December 26th 2007 channeling circle Basic Essence- a heartbreaking and shaking message came through from the Mahatma energy and all participants were told that no Ascended Masters will come through in channeling circles from 2008 which created quiet an uproar in the circle and was also guided to work more on personal awakening of the creator self and which I did irrespective of the rejection from many in the group at that time, it was like quicksilver …. all slipping out.

The old was definitely not the comforting blanket we were made to jump into the unknown.