Are you ready for a supersonic shortcut back to Source?Are you ready to go beyond endless clearing & protection?
A FREE information and healing night will be held on Tuesday 23rd July 6:30pm at Redlands Healing Centre, tea, coffee and nibbles will be kindly provided.The Art of Zen, The Tao of Beingness, these states that took strict discipline to achieve through the process of many lifetimes is now available to humanity by opening up the inherent connection within to the Source.About
Sree Maa is one of the many Indigo Grid Masters on Mission Gaia/Tara. She is a multi-dimensional ascension facilitator, who teaches how to handle frequency shifts and upgrade current light quotient. Her mission is to align 3 earths that are EARTH, GAIA and TARA vibrating on different dimensional planes in different universes, and to activate the DNA strands, dissolve the ego-self and remove negative ET influences that inflict all incarnated souls ready to be ascended. She shares Kosmic Absolute teachings of Quantum Mechanics to help people let go of the Ascension Drama. She throws light on the Karmic Astral and mental bodies are now Obsolete.
Sree Maa & Shri Ji, founders of Kosmic Fusion®, are one of the fully enlightened DNA-activated Diamond Light Master couples on Earth at this special time of 2012-2017. The twin ray couple have been holding and emitting the
Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse™ (QVSWPP), via the Galactic Centre from the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS since 2003.

Sree Maa & Shri Ji, founders of Kosmic Fusion®, are one of the fully enlightened DNA-activated Diamond Light Master couples on Earth at this special time of 2012-2017. The twin ray couple have been holding and emitting the
Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse™ (QVSWPP), via the Galactic Centre from the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS since 2003.
Their Divine Purpose was revealed only on the 11-11-2011 to travel the globe and upgrade and activate the holographic light grids of as many souls as possible and train Facilitators to spread the upgrade work.
Please Register below to attend this Info Evening