“I felt very constricted. Very stuck and heavy as though I couldn’t move. I felt a general sense of darkness and despair. I felt a strong metallic pressure on the outline of the right side of my body. As it became stronger it became quite numb and cold. The pressure on right side then switched to what felt like a scan on the left side. On my left side my knee and ovary was very painful. I also felt a lot of pressure particularly my tail bone. During this experience I felt as though heavy layers were being peeled off me. After layers were peeled and spun off, felt debris fall away from my knee, solar plexus, heart and throat. Before the Photonic light came in, I felt my navel align and pulse strongly. As the liquid light came in, it felt like there was a column of Plasma light in the hollow of my body and electricity was running through my chest, solar plexus. As the liquid light continued to fill my body the entire body continued to pulse. I was feeling a million times better :-)”
-Sheree, Sydney
“As I lay down very slowly a type of heaviness and density came in. I hadn’t felt my body like that in a very long time it. It was horrible, I couldn’t move I felt very constricted & weighted down. What happened is my body went into this kind of shutdown paralysis. I couldn’t move I felt like my entire body was in this concrete like cylindrical block. I was definitely in some kind of structure, felt very heavy. Worst of all, I felt the grids creeping up over my body. Horrible, just horrible feeling. The best description is that it’s like that black creeping tar in the Spiderman movie how it spread and then took him over. Meanwhile my body is still in the dense paralysis state. I felt there was nothing I can do. Felt like all my organs were pressurised and clamped more on the heart everything felt restricted. Was already concretized and felt like a whole tower was added on to it. I also felt this massive splintering in the centre of my head like the separation of the hemispheres of my brain. As soon as Sree Maa put her hand on my shoulders, and the pressure started to ease off and the dense layers peeling away, meanwhile filaments of light came in and started to spin all around me, like a thread on a bobbin. The most tangible experience as promised of the 3D-4D lower astral and mental somatic bodies. The new 5D body came in with this wave and spin.”
“While doing the 0 session felt the implant at the anal region. Was like a heavy piercing needle like sensation. There was pain in the ovaries. The eggs were being harvested. Second implant was on my left side in the hollow of the head. It felt like heavy metallic sensation which probing inside my crown. Scanned the chakras and couldn’t sense the lower three chakras much. Did a spleen clearing exercise and after that was able to sense the chakras (last 3) moving clockwise and anti-clockwise .During the implant clearing, had a vision of self like a lotus being emerged from the murky water. Felt the chastity belts around the hip area like chains hanging there. This is by far the most amazing scanning and removal of the blockages I have ever experienced.”
“When I scanned for karmic residue and hexes, I felt heaviness in the heart and slimy sensation in the vagina. I also felt a hook in my lower back and a sneaky pull in my lower chakras area as if someone was pulling me on a cord. After the release all this was gone. Scanning for a Karmic lock about being a single parent, I felt like my legs from my knees down to the feet were stuck in drying cement/heavy mud, a big lump in my throat and a pain in the right side of my brain, representing my fear to take action on what I intuitively know to do. After the release all these sensations dispersed and I felt aliveness in the cells, my legs were free and no more pain in my brain.PS:I did have a partner that put a spell on me.”
-Elliaa, Sydney

Transformation Session: Kosmic Recalibration (Session 2)
“When Sree Maa touched my thymus I felt such a strong electrical pulse run through. It was very sore but through this I felt so connected and almost as though I woke up at some level ;), even now whenever I hug her there is a connection I sense with her instantly.”
-Sheree, Sydney
Transformation Session: Kosmic Core Transfiguration/Navel Alignment (Session 3)
“What a refreshing dive into a clean energy pool.
This is one of the signature touches of Sree Maa Shri Ji the Bliss Gurus. As soon as they touch the Navel and Hara line they bring the soul energy back into the body and align the evolving Soul with their Higher Selves, when they re-fire the pulse in the navel with their TOUCH, the non-existent pulse comes back strongly and for some if the Soul’s voice the pulse has moved away from the Navel comes back in its original place. Participants on webinars remotely feel they can’t stand on their feet while the Core is being aligned; it is their signature touch to transfigure the karmic overlay in the Navel, Re-setting the Soul back into the Body. There is also re-aligning of the whole Chakric System as well as the rooting with the 5th Dimensional Earth is turned into a reality. Takes days, weeks and months depending on your sub-conscious patterns to start walking on your Light Evolvers path.”
-Sheree, Sydney
Transformation Session: Kosmic Re-Wiring, Galactic Kundalini Alignment (Session 4)
“Felt a strong wave of energy (Kundalini Shakti) rising up my spine and out my head. There was a lot of pulsing in the area of my shoulder blades. Felt my pineal gland throb and pulse and the light went on in my head! Felt a great sense of expansion and could feel a strong internal Kundalini charge”
– Elliaa, Sydney
“I felt a deep connection from my navel and pineal gland straight away during this session, my pineal gland was spinning around and I felt as though I was moving rapidly like a torus into formlessness.”
– Sheree, Sydney
Transformation Session: Kosmic Cerebro Morphing (Session 5)
“Removing the Karmic bands from my Galactic and Stellar multi-dimensional consciousness
As soon as I sat down the energy was present! As if, I already knew the activation was going to begin. I felt pain sensation at the back of my right hip. I felt the sensations like rubber bands around my head. It was getting stronger. Felt a strong pounding on the right side of my temple. It felt like a very unpleasant sensation, some deeply resistant energy I was clearing out. Felt out of alignment then, I started to energetically disappear. Bands started to ease off, not feeling them any more. Then I felt a solid wave energy come in from my left side. As I had release something so was able to connect strongly again. By this stage I felt I was disappearing very quickly. And then I felt outside of my body. Could hear Galactic sounds I could see a whale, slapping fin on the surface of the water three times. Sending out a massive vibration. And then I disappeared not sure what happened after that.”
– Nat, Sydney
“Removing Earthly Karma from the Lunar and Solar Consciousness
It felt like an uncomfortably tight sweatband around my head, particularly pressing on my temples, occipital and the nape of my neck. Then I felt very sleepy and had to lie down with eyes closed. All of a sudden I felt wide awake again and noticed implosions in my head, like light fireworks in my brain. Felt no longer heavy or sleepy. This was followed by a beautiful, tingly, super energising sensation all over the body.“
– Elliaa, Sydney
Transformation Session: Kosmic Neural Coherence Transmission (Session 6)
“I felt pressure on my temples and almost like crackling electricity. A lot of pressure on the front of my forehead too. Felt like a piece of bone was lifting. The experience was quite subtle and felt cleansing as well.”
– Sheree, Sydney
“Felt a gentle rocking sensation in the hollow of my head, and then I felt a strong metallic like pain in the brain in certain areas. While being guided with words on how the iridescent light was being poured over my brain, which felt like cells in my brains, were being cleared with a sieve. At the end all the pain disappeared and I felt very peaceful and light.”
– Elliaa, Sydney
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